Everyday Stewardship
Due to the constant unchecked flow of data and information through the Internet, it can be hard to know when a story is real news or rubbish. It never ceases to amaze me when someone I know has bought into some crazy fake news story. Sometimes the story is just so unbelievable: celebrities who gained two hundred pounds in a month, women having babies who were never pregnant, or people actually being seen who are dead! Like Elvis!
The apostle Thomas found the news that Jesus was alive just too far-fetched to believe. But he didn't first hear the news on the Internet or read it standing in the grocery store checkout line. His friends told him. His fellow apostles told him they had actually seen the Lord with their own eyes. Their testimony was not enough. He needed proof.
The resurrection of Jesus gives us not only hope, but also a reason to be his disciples. We have not seen with our own eyes but, like Thomas, we have a community, the Church, that has relayed the truth to us. This same Jesus now calls us to go forth to spread the Gospel. More unbelievable than that, we have, through the gifts we have been given, a chance to change and even save lives. The day may come that you, moved by this news of the risen Lord, will be an agent of his love to the point where someone will tell the tale that you, a follower of Jesus, actually helped to change his or her life. Pretty unbelievable, right?
Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
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