Spiritual Life Committee
Goal: To ensure that each worshipper encounters Christ in every aspect of our liturgical worship, sacraments, and spiritual celebrations, ultimately growing deeper in their relationship with God and their neighbors.
Responsibilities: Assisting with planning and implementing the various aspects of liturgical activities and sacraments in the parish, including:
Recruitment, training, and scheduling of liturgical ministers including Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers, the Music Ministry, lectors, greeters, ushers, and altar servers.
With the parish clergy and staff, the committee will jointly prepare for all sacramental celebrations.
Assistance in preparation of the weekend liturgies, liturgies for special occasions, and Holy Days. The committee also encompasses Eucharist Adoration, funeral preparation, and liturgical environment.
Coordinate all levels of educational programming in the parish, children through adults. This will include Youth Faith Formation (in conjunction with the Director of Faith Formation), the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), and continuing faith formation programming for adults.
Associated Ministries and Activities:
It is anticipated that the committee will meet from September- June for one hour each month.
All committee meetings will be open for parishioners to attend.
Members will work on committee-identified action items during the month.
Your assistance is needed with the following roles:
Committee Facilitator (1)
Responsible for preparing the agenda for each monthly meeting and running the meeting.
Anticipated Time commitment: Approximately 10 hours per month (September- June)
Committee Member (At least 6 members per committee)
Attend meetings, offer ideas, participate in follow up action items
Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 4 hours per month (September- June). Time commitment may vary from month to month based on Liturgical Season.
Committee Representative to Parish Council- 1 per committee (can rotate)
Attend monthly Parish Advisory Council meeting (4th Monday of each month from September- June) to report on the committee’s activities and progress that month.
Anticipated time commitment: 2 additional hours per month.
Please email us with any questions: holycrossparishcouncil413@gmail.com
Spiritual Life Committee
Altar Servers
Baptism Committee
Bible Study
Burning of the Palms
Eucharistic Adoration
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Family Mass
Funeral Preparation/ Bereavement Support
Haitian Mass
Liturgical Environment
Mass of Remembrance
Music Ministry
Sacramental Preparation
Sister Parish Fiesta
Sister Parish Relationship
Stations of the Cross
Visitors to Our Confined Parishioners
Faith Formation Program