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July 5, 2022


Dear Parishioners:


We are writing to you to provide an update on Holy Cross Parish and seek your help at a critical juncture in the life of our parish. As of June 8, 2022, Fr. Frank Lawlor and Deacon Bill Toller are no longer serving at Holy Cross Church. We know that these changes and others made over the past several years at Holy Cross have left many members of our Parish community feeling saddened, hurt, or confused. As your Parish Council representatives, we are seeking your thoughts, feedback, and ideas on how to revitalize our Church community.

Fr. Michael Wood, Pastor of Mary, Mother of Hope, has been named as Temporary Administrator of Holy Cross. Fr. Michael has been working with the Finance Committee and Parish Council on next steps. He is working with the Finance Committee on a full and transparent financial report to be given to parishioners this summer. He has been working with us to plan a Parish Meeting that will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Cedar’s Banquet Hall at 375 Island Pond Rd, Springfield, MA 01118.  


Please join us for this urgent meeting. We are at a crucial point for our parish and you are key in deciding its fate.  Together, we can make a difference!  At the meeting, we will be seeking your feedback on the following questions:


  • What makes Holy Cross unique among parishes in the city and even the diocese? In other words, what does it do well?

  • What areas can Holy Cross grow? Is there something it is doing that it could do better? Is there something it is not doing that it could be?

  • What do you envision for the parish’s future? Where would you see yourself in the next few years?


We welcome and encourage your attendance and feedback to help guide our next steps.  If you are unable to attend, we also welcome you to share your comments via email. You can reach us at


In addition to this meeting, we also wanted to take this opportunity to make you aware of the following Masses and events. We hope you can join us.


  • Weekend Masses are celebrated on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Please join us in celebrating the Mass as a Parish Community. We need your presence and prayers!

  • Our Family Mass is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at the 11 a.m. Mass. Our next family Mass will be Sunday, August 7th. This is a great opportunity for children to take an active part in the Mass and listen to the Word of God. All are welcome!

  • Eucharistic Adoration is held and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is said each Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Church. Eucharist Adoration is also offered the first Sunday of each month from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

  • We are planning a free outdoor summer movie night. Please stay tuned to the bulletin for further details.


The strength of Holy Cross Parish is in its people. As we seek to move forward, we draw strength from our history as a vibrant community rooted in the East Forest Park neighborhood and we look forward in hope that we can revitalize our Parish to serve as an example of Christ’s love in today’s world.


Thank you for your participation. We humbly ask for your prayers as we move forward in serving you.


Thank you and God Bless,

Jennifer Collins

Cathy Daniel

Mary Davis

Ann Marie Duffy

Cindy Labonte

Pat Maroney

Molly Moskal

Pat Pearson

Brian Rucci

Linda Tracy

Bob Tyer

Anthony Yacavone

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